It is just too easy to order tickets to theater shows. And the prices are reasonable, specially if you compare prices in Finland. Sometimes I think that I'm spending much too much of my husb--- oh well, I'm working now, money to theater tickets, but you got to do what you enjoy the best. Right?
In Finland I always used cheap tickets and volunteered in Tampereen Teatteri and that was my way to get great tickets. Here I'm planning on volunteering, but since I still have my baby at home, I'm so far spending my nights home. But some day I'll call to Actors's Theater and volunteer.
So this fall looks like this! We already saw MammaMia and Phantom of the Opera in NYC and even though MammaMia was very good, I did NOT book tickets to that in Clt next season. But I did for Phantom. It'll be February in Blumenthal. Where I'm NOT seasonal ticker holder this year, I only have 2 tickets to Once (this October) and 1 for Motown Musical. Well, and then of course for Cinderella (November). But I still have one gift card waiting...
In Actors Theater I am 2-seat seasonal subscriber for 5 shows (altogether 7 shows), so it leaves me room to take along a friend 3 times. Plus subscribers can take a NEW friend for free at least one time. So let me know if you want to join me. I will see all the shows there again this year. Just saw River City, which was AWESOME. NuVoices Festival will be at January, so 4 shows in one weekend! I am ready.
Did I tell you, that improvisation show is every other month and I SKIPPED last one. Next would be in two weeks, but I don't have tickets...yet.
But I am going to smaller Charlotte Theater next Sunday to see Footloose and even smaller in Cornelius the week after. And well, that's it! So far I only have tickets to 16 shows this season, but there will be lot more opportunities. Stay tuned!
And no, I don't go to movies often, but I am planning on seeing Gone Girl next month! I loved the book and want to see the movie. So second time in movies this year: here I come!
VastaaPoistaVoisin hyvin ottaa sinut oppaaksi teatteriin ! Kehtaako edes tunnustaa, etta oma teatterikokemus tassa maassa on ollut 1 x Broadway:lla miljoona vuotta sitten - se oli "Who" - ja muistan kyseleeni muutaman kerran, etta who ???
Everything is so expensive in Finland!